
Supported TFS systems

SpecSync for TFS might work with other TFS installations as well, but it has been tested with the following configurations:

  • Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS, fka VSO)
  • Team Foundation Server 2017
  • Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 3
  • Team Foundation Server 2013 Update 1 (up to SpecSync v1.3)

Supported BDD Tools

SpecSync can synchronize any scenarios that are written in Gherkin format. Gherkin format is used by many tools in many platforms, like Cucumber, Cucumber JVM, Cucumber.js, Behat, Behave and also SpecFlow. For using SpecSync with non-SpecFlow projects, check page Using SpecSync with Cucumber.

Supported SpecFlow versions

SpecSync for TFS supports SpecFlow v2.1. There are no plans to support earlier versions currently. Please contact support ([email protected]) if this is a problem for you.

Supported SpecFlow unit test runners

If you plan to run the scenarios through the synchronized test cases using the automated lab execution infrastructure of TFS, the SpecFlow project has to be configured with a compatible unit test runner. If you want to synchronize the test cases for traceability or manual test execution only, you can use any unit test runner with SpecFlow. In this case, you need to remove the SpecSync plugin configuration from the app.config file of the SpecFlow project.

Since Microsoft Team Foundation Server primarily works only with MsTest, the SpecFlow project has to be configured to a unit test runner that supports MsTest, these are: MsTest and SpecRun (SpecFlow+ Runner).

When using SpecSync with the SpecFlow+ Runner, two sets of unit test classes will be generated. The ones annotated with the SpecFlow+ Runner attributes can be used for local execution, the ones with MsTest attributes will be used in TFS. In the Visual Studio Test Explorer window both might be shown. Check out Synchronizing Scenario Outlines for information on how to hide these.

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