Using SpecSync with Cucumber

SpecSync can synchronize any scenarios that are written in Gherkin format. Gherkin format is used by many tools in many platforms, like Cucumber, Cucumber JVM, Cucumber.js, Behat, Behave and also SpecFlow.

If your scenarios are automated with a tool other than SpecFlow, SpecSync will synchronize them as non-automated TFS Test Cases, because currently TFS only supports specifying .NET automation for the test cases. The synchronized non-automated test cases can be managed, linked and structured in TFS. You can also run them manually.

The SpecSync synchronization tool can be executed as a command line tool from Windows, OSX and Linux-based systems. See Using SpecSync on OSX/Linux page for details.

Configuring SpecSync for Cucumber

In order to specify the feature files to be synchronized, the --listFilePath has to be used. This option can be used in two ways:

1. Find feature files in folders

You can calculate the list of feature files using a shell command and pipe it for SpecSync. In this case, you have to use the setting with the STDIN value: --listFilePath STDIN.

The following examples list all feature files within the Features folder.

Linux/OSX (bash)

find Features/ -name *.feature | $SPECSYNC_DIR/SpecSync4MTM --listFilePath STDIN --tfsUrl ...

Windows (PowerShell)

gci -r *.Feature | % FullName | .\specsync4mtm.cmd --listFilePath STDIN --tfsUrl ...

Windows (CMD)

dir /S /B Features\*.feature | .\specsync4mtm.cmd --listFilePath STDIN --tfsUrl ...

2. Use fix set of feature files

You can create a text file with the list of the feature files to be synchronized (with absolute paths or relative to the folder of the text file). This is useful if you have to work with a well-defined set of feature files. In this case, you need to specify the name of the text file as the parameter of the setting, e.g. --listFilePath mylist.txt

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