
Once SpecSync has been installed, a specsync4mtm.cmd script file is added to the project for calling the SpecSync command line tool conveniently. The command line tool (SpecSync4MTM.exe) can also be invoked from the tools folder of the SpecSync NuGet package.

The tool can be used both on the developer's machine or on the build server as a part of the CI process. It is recommended to invoke the command line tool from the SpecFlow project folder, otherwise the full path of the SpecFlow project file has to be specified explicitly.

The usage of the tool should be straightforward, just run it with --help without any arguments to get a usage help.

specsync4mtm.cmd --help

Useful hint for testing: Normally you cannot delete work items from TFS/VSTS, so testing the initial linking is harder. If you have Visual Studio installed, there is a tool called witadmin available from the VS command prompt. With the destroywi command of this tool you can delete work items. See witadmin help destroywi for details, and use it carefully.

The Getting Started chapter contains a summary of the features provided by SpecSync and the TFS/VSTS authentication options chapter list the different authentication options.

Note: SpecSync collects anonymous error diagnostics and statistics. Neither user nor machine names, nor TFS urls, nor test case & test suite names nor IDs are collected! This can be disabled with the --disableStats parameter.

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