Using SpecSync with SpecFlow+

SpecSync can synchronize scenarios from projects that use SpecFlow+. SpecFlow+ is a set of commercial extensions and tools for SpecFlow provided by TechTalk. You can find further information about SpecFlow+ at

Integration with SpecFlow+ Runner

SpecFlow+ Runner (formerly known as "SpecRun") is a test runner specialized to execute SpecFlow scenarios. TFS cannot run SpecFlow+ Runner test methods through test cases. To overcome this, the SpecFlow plugin for SpecFlow+ Runner can generate MsTest test methods as well in addition to the SpecFlow+ Runner test methods. When SpecSync is used together with SpecFlow+ Runner, it configures SpecFlow+ Runner to generate these MsTest test methods and uses these to associate test automation for the test cases.

As a result, SpecFlow+ Runner will be used for executing the test locally and on the build server and MsTest will be used when the test cases are executed from TFS.

Since SpecSync automatically detects SpecFlow+ Runner, there is no special configuration required. Just make sure that the SpecSync plugin is registered before the SpecFlow+ Runner plugin in the App.config file, as shown in the example below.

    <add name="SpecSync.MTM" type="Generator" />
    <add name="SpecRun" />
  <unitTestProvider name="SpecRun" />

The additionally generated MsTest methods are marked with MtmWrappercategory. These methods can be filtered out for local execution or for the build server. See section Filter out "MtmWrapper" test methods for details.

Integration with SpecFlow+ Excel

SpecFlow+ Excel can be used to edit the scenarios or the scenario outline example tables in Excel. See for details.

SpecSync can synchronize SpecFlow+ Excel scenarios where Excel is used for storing the example tables.

The synchronization of Excel feature files has limited support. SpecSync can synchronize the updates, but the tags necessary for the initial lining have to be added to the Excel file manually. If this limitation would be problematic for you, please contact support.

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